FOR SALE: Industrial area for: Production, Warehouses, Logistics center, Location: Gdańsk Kowale
(Authorized Offer)
Companiens Authorized Offers Authorized

LOCATION: GDAŃSK KOWALE node (S-7)<->(221)


Subject of the offer: Sale of construction land Total: approximately 3ha Gdańsk – Kowale node (S-7)<->(221)
Located at the Tri-City bypass (S-7) (Gdańsk – Gdynia), a junction with the provincial road No. 221 in the direction of: -> Kolbudy

Access to the plot:

  • 1. Direct exit from the Bypass junction (S7) to ul. Staropolska and Magnacka (one-way entry from the Bypass junction (S7) at Staropolska Street towards Magnacka),
  • 2. or Exit / Entry from the Bypass junction (S7) to ul. Jabłoniowa, or ul. Konna, to ul. Magnate </ li>
  • 3. or Exit / Entry from the bypass junction (S7) to ul. Staropolska to the roundabout, from the roundabout ul. Ordynacka and Rycerska to ul. Magnate </ li>
  • 4. or Exit / Entry from the direction of Bąkowo, (in the future “Metropolitan Ring Road” – Lublewo Gdańskie junction)


Area marked in the local development plan as P/U without fixed proportions (Production / Services,
in basic conditions:

– 70% = maximum building area in relation to the plot size
– 10% = minimum percentage of biologically active
– 18m = maximum building height – minimum: undefined,
– 2,1 = Building intensity – minimal, not fixed,

Conditions for investments in the land development plan (Local Development Plan)

Local Spatial Development Plan MPZP
P/U – Investment, for development for services, industry, logistics warehouses.
1) Any economic activity in the field of: services, production, warehouses, bases and storage,
a. plants with an increased risk or a high risk of a serious industrial accident,
b. educational services,
d. health care,
e. public hospitals and nursing homes,
2) Housing integrally related to economic activity.

Gogle Map – location and terrain conditions

3D GogleMap_Gdansk-Kowale

The planned “Metropolitan Bypass” of section: Lublewo Gdańskie – the Straszyn Junction

(The finger points to the plot location)
Planned Metropolitan Bypass of Tricity

Planned communication solutions “Metropolitan Bypass” of the Tri-City

Obwodnica Metropolitalna Trójmiasta

The concept of building the “Diamentowy” junction in Gdańsk Kowale – Straszyn

Diamond knot in Kowalach, the first such in Poland

An example of a diamond knot in the United States

AgencyB2B.comAgency authorization:

The project is a verified and Authorized offer. We are contracted and we have powers of attorney to represent the current owners in the organization, mediation and execution of sales transactions in this project.

Contact regarding the offer:

We have and provide detailed and authorized information for this project in the form of a Teaser, where we present the detailed terms of the offer for interested parties. Partnership and brokerage options for successful mediation to be discussed with directly interested parties. We only expect and consider serious offers. We do not share information with anonymous persons.

Glob Agency Ltd

You are interested in ? – Please contact us !
We will provide a complete set of materials and information !

Supported by Glob Agency LtdContact on offer

Opening Hours


11:00 - 17:00


11:00 - 17:00


11:00 - 17:00


11:00 - 17:00


11:00 - 14:00





If you are interested, please send an e-mail using the "Contact" form. We will contact you !

Contact: Owner
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